Sunday, June 2, 2013

Before You Ask...

Hello there, my wonderful family and friends! I am back in the US, safe and sound :-)

Everyone has lots of questions about what's going on with my man, wedding, life, and such. I know that the multitude of questions is because y'all love me so much (and I love you too!), but I'd rather not answer the same questions over and over. No offense. I mean, I like talking about myself and all, but it makes me sad to have that constant reminder of all the endeavors we have ahead of us before we will get to begin our happily ever after.

So, here is your Q&A session, A's provided without any Q'ing effort from you!

-When is Rob coming over?
         We don't know. We have begun the process of getting his green card, but it can take anywhere from 6 to 10 months.

-Whoa, 6-10 months?! Why so long??
           It's the government. You figure it out, let me know please.

-Can he visit during that time?
          Theoretically, yes, but it depends on the border agent that he talks to when entering the country. If he tries to enter, they will see on his record that he is in the process of getting a green card.. and why would he be coming to visit if he is getting a green card? So, maybe they would let him in, and maybe not. We don't plan on risking it.

-Can you visit him? 
          Sure, it just depends on the money and work. Wanna buy my ticket? ;-)

-How does it feel to be married?
          Well, seeing we are in different countries, no different. I am having a blast planning our future home though!

-Are you changing your name?
           Yes, I will be changing my name after wedding #2. I'm not quite ready to give up my magnificent last name!

-What's the plan for wedding #2?
          We haven't started planning yet. Going to start doing that this week, just gotta unpack first (yuck).

-So who is going to be in the wedding party? ;-) ;-)
            Rob and I are blessed to have so many amazing and wonderful people in our lives. Choosing those few to stand with us during the ceremony is proving to be a very difficult task. If I could have everyone I wanted standing with me, I would have 15 Bridesmaids! And don't even get me started on flower girls! We ask that people understand that when we do make our decisions. 
-Need any help with anything for the wedding?
            Actually yes- wine bottles and corks! If you can save some for us, I'll come around and pick em up. Even I don't drink enough wine to fully decorate a wedding reception!

-Where do y'all want to live?
             Ideally, in or around the St. Augustine area. However, we will live wherever we need to depending on work... Wherever, as long as it is below the Mason-Dixon Line!

Any other questions? Leave them in the comments below, and I'll add em to the list!

Thanks for caring enough about us to read this. Our situation is difficult, but with the awesome support you all provide, I know that we can make it through!


  1. I love you! I just made an announcement to the room to save and give me all wine corks. I will send packages to you! :)
