Friday, August 10, 2012

Pinterest Craft Creation #3- Absolutely Nothing Like the One She Made

We have, here again, a creation that I based off one I found and liked (and thought was simple enough to do with limited tools), but turned out nothing like what the original was like. Not in a bad way, it wasn't a hideous fail.. just different.

Here was my inspiration:

Now, I never planned on making it look exactly like that. I'm not big on the flowers (I like a rose as much as the next girl, but fabric flowers on jewelry is too cutesy for my taste). I planned on filling in with different color beads. Well. Remember my last creation, where I talked about the difficulty of finding some things? That was nothing compared to this.

 Here are my materials. The only chain I could find was this small gold one. Obviously that already ruins the plan of a chunky, larger bracelet, but I'll take what I can get. I then had the issue of finding ribbon small enough to fit through it. I decided since I was getting the gold ribbon I wanted a more subtle color. Also, I was planning on the pearls being the pop of color on the bracelet. So I got some thin cream ribbon. Next came the pearls, I picked green ones, though I was already concerned about their larger size (small chain, remember). I was passing a wall with charms and such, and found a cute gold "watch" bauble that matched the chain. Got it. So here we are.

First step was to thread the ribbon through the chain, using a needle and thread. Easy enough, though it took a long time to do, due to the small size of the chain. Also, I had an issue with my choice of ribbon- it was very thin. I was disappointed with it because of the lack of color, due to the thinness. The real problem, though, was that since it was thin, the thread kept pulling through the ribbon. Not a big problem to fix, but annoying nonetheless.

 When I finished, I pulled a bunch extra through, making it so I could tie the bracelet around my wrist using the ribbon.

Noticed an issue right away (other blogger didn't mention this! Points for Sarah!) The chain was slipping and bunching up on the ribbon. Maybe because the size of the chain, or the thinness of the ribbon. 

 To fix it, I sewed the chain to the ribbon, the super glued it so the thread wouldn't rip the ribbon (oh yea, I acquired Super Glue to help me. Sorry didn't add that to the materials picture. Pro-blogger suggested a glue gun, but I decided for super glue would be better for the smaller project.)

 The next thing I did was add my bauble . Glued the chain to the back, and sewed the chain to the sides (never can be too secure! Especially when it is homemade..)

 And here is the completed bracelet! Completed because I decided in the end the pearls wouldn't work. They were too big to be attached to the chain, and the holes were too small to thread the ribbon through.
 And here it is on :-) I'm moderately happy with it. The ribbon isn't thick enough, and the chain is too small. But, it'll do!

And the underside!

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