Friday, August 10, 2012

UK Cinemas

Last night I went and saw the new Batman movie (awesome! loved it!) so I thought I would write a little bit about UK Cinemas.

Overall, they are like ours. Go, pay money, see a movie, listen to crying babies, etc. You get the picture. There are a couple different interesting things, though.

1. Popcorn. For me, one of the best parts about going to see a movie. Yummy, buttery, salty. Here? Sweet. Think kettle corn. To me, kettle corn belongs in a county fair. Yea, it's good, but that's not what goes best with movies! It is one of those little things that is always in the back of my mind when I consider how long I am going to be here. Internal dialogue: "I could be happy living here for a few years, despite the rain. Yea..but.. the movie popcorn..lack of Kraft Mac and Bud Light.." You get the picture.

2. "Premier" Seats. I know some theaters have these in the US, but for a girl from the tiny town of St. Aug, it is not something I am used to. Pay £2.5 extra, and get to sit in one of the middle rows? Maybe a good deal on release night, but on a Thursday evening, pointless. In the 5 Premier seat rows, there were all of 2 people. And we were sitting the row behind them, practically the same seats, cheaper price. Silly Brits.

3. No roller coaster.
Instead we got this:
And this:
I think y'all might have had the second one in the states also, but I thought it was fantastic and wanted to watch it again. Despite the fact that it is a hatchback. (More on the hatchbacks later)

4. Mommy and Newborn Viewings
I've heard of Mommy and Kid viewings, which makes a lot of sense. Kids get loud, chatty, antsy. Makes sense to have a theater just for them. But newborns? I'm sorry, but there are a lot of places you shouldn't take your child right after they leave your stomach- bars, porta-potties, and the zoo are just some. Theaters are another. Chances are, the teenagers who sat in the seats you are sitting in during the previous viewing were not just holding hands. Oh, I am all for getting kids used to bacteria, and the idea that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".. but a theater filled full of newborns? No thank you!

I guess that's all that I really noticed that was different about the experience. Like I said, not really different, but different enough to post about.

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