Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Want to get from China to Japan?

This is by no means a new discovery, but it is funny, and I just remembered it (while discussing, with a student, the best way to get from Florida to China).

Do this:

Go to Google Maps.
Click Get Directions.
Type in China in one box, Japan in the other (doesn't matter which one is A or B).
Get Directions.
Scroll down to number #41.

Awesome, huh?
For those of you who were too lazy to do it, here is what everyone else sees...

Who says a search engine can't have a sense of humor?! I've been able to find a few other funny ones, like if you want to go from Japan to the US, you have to sail across. Also a few ridiculous ones- to go from the east of Canada to London, one must go through Russia.. Hmmm..

Have you found any other funny or ridiculous directions on Google Maps (or any others)? Share below!

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