Friday, October 19, 2012

Stop the Pop

Did you know that..

90% of addictions start in the teenage years?
1 in 6 teens has used a prescription drug in order to get high, or change their mood?
Two-thirds of teens who abuse pain relievers say they get them from family members or friends?

Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse

I will be the first to admit that I have spent my life blissfully unaware of the growing problem in society that is prescription drug misuse and abuse. I grew up in a relatively healthy household, which meant the only drugs regularly available in the house were the dog's heartworm pills. The idea that people, especially kids, would take a pill that they didn't need, and didn't know what the results would be, shocked me.

Unfortunately, this is a huge problem in the US, and it is only growing. In 2012, Walgreens filled 784 million prescriptions. That's just one store- imagine how many prescriptions are filled in the whole US? How many of those prescriptions do you think were used for the actual purpose they were prescribed?

Now, this is not a blog about whether or not people should be medicating for their various diseases. Whatever you believe about Adderall for ADD in children, or quality of life for someone with cancer, that is your choice. This is about the abuse and misuse of drugs - specifically, teenagers and young adults taking these pills for a reason different than their prescribed purpose.

Opioids, Central Nervous System Depressants, Stimulants- these are all types of prescribed medications, and they are all being abused by teens. Why? Some for self-diagnosed depression, concentration problems, or anxiety, some to try and lose weight, and others, just in an attempt to get high. Pop culture glorifies it, and lax restrictions on prescriptions, lenient parenting, troubles in school and at home, and a lack of education of the effects supports it.

So why is this a problem? The results of prescription drug abuse and misuse are similar to those of any other destructive addiction. Dependency, long term health problems, possible criminal activity, and issues with family and friend relationships. All because one finds a container of meds in the family bathroom, or a friend says they have something that can help you feel better. Pill addiction can ruin lives, and not just the lives of those taking the drugs.

Stop the Pop

Stop the Pop is an organization focusing on educating teens and young adults about the problem that is prescription drug abuse and misuse. The aim is to focus on awareness and prevention, with the idea that through education, we can battle the problems and most effectively help those with an addiction. 

Stop the Pop is a young program, having been created in North Florida in early 2012. However, it is already reaching out to teenagers and young adults across the state. Stop the Pop's website offers opportunities to share your past experiences with pill addiction, as well as seek help for existing problems. Also, you can learn more about the problems, and help towards the education of others by purchasing merchandise or making a donation.

Whether you have been a victim of pill addiction, known someone who has, or have never been affected by it, the point is that drug abuse is a problem, and it is not going to get better by itself. Everyday, new drugs are introduced on the market, which means more opportunities for misuse. Pills may seem harmless, but they have big consequences when used for the incorrect purpose. Please take some time to educate yourself about the causes, effects, warning signs, and risk factors for prescription drug abuse and misuse. Teachers, parents, and teens- only together can we combat the growing problem of pill addiction. 

Stop The Pop's Website:
Check the organization out on Facebook:
For more information about Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse:

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