Friday, August 3, 2012

Blogger's English

Being an English teacher, it bothers me to no end when people share written things to the world with grammatical and spelling problems.

That being said, I am sure that my posts sometimes have mistakes. My apologies.

Usually when I am writing a blog, I am doing 5 things at once. Writing, watching something (movie or TV), talking on Skype (Hi mom), paying attention to my man (he can be very needy :-), and drinking something. Usually coffee, tea, or beer. All of which cause untold damage when spilled on a computer.

Also, I often write a post throughout the day. My last post? Took like 5 hours to write, due to teaching, Olympics, and a trip to the grocery store.

So again, sorry if you see mistakes. If you don't care about them, ignore them. If you do, send me a message, and I will correct them.

On the other hand, I sometimes (ok often) use grammatical structures that are not "correct". That, you just have to deal with. I type as I think. This isn't going for a Pulitzer.

Thanks for your understanding :-)

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