Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Typical Day of a Londoner... Not

I'd like to tell you all about how exciting my daily life is, how I bustle about on the Underground, meet customers for a pint after having tea with the Queen, then shop till I drop in the Uptown boutiques. Sadly, this American is a work-from-homer.. excitement for me means having a new recipe to try or the sun coming out for enough time for me to work on my tan. So here is my typical day...

Anytime between 6 to 8am: Rob (a true Londoner if there ever was one) leaves for work. I mumble a "Bye" and go back to sleep.
Anytime from 8am to 12pm: I get up. Yes. I am that lazy. I have an excuse. See end of post for said excuse.
1pm to 8 or 9pm: I work. Sometimes non-stop lessons, sometimes a lesson then a few hours of break then another lesson.
Rest of the night? Quality time with my man. i.e. watching movies

During the time that I am not sleeping or teaching? Reading, cooking, watching tv/movies, cleaning, exercising, fetching things from the local shop. Like I said. Not very exciting. I have read at least 4 books and seen at least 20 movies in the last two weeks. It's all good though, I am saving tons of money, and will hopefully find some volunteering work locally soon. Not to mention the travelling opportunities I have that I will be enjoying soon!

*Excuse- For the last 4 months, I worked between 40 and 60 hours a week, 7 days a week, and most of the hours during the middle of the night. September and August will be the same. Ergo, I am getting all the sleep in while I can.

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