Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The South's Gonna Do It Again

I am from Florida. 

If you are from Florida, you know this could mean anything in respect to your upbringing and character. South Florida is like New York, but in Spanish. The Keys, beach bums and artists. The panhandle, more beach bums and politicians. Central Florida is an international hodgepodge (Thanks, Disney). All throughout the state you have pockets of certain religions, ethnicities, and of course, the elderly that we are so famous for. I am from North East Florida. We consider ourselves "The South".

By definition, we are. We are below the Mason-Dixon Line, and participated in the Civil War, mostly on the Confederate side (some also in the Union, but each state had those who switched sides).

The other southern states often say we are not the South. I can understand that sentiment if you are talking about Miami or Orlando, but take a drive through the farms and woods of North Florida, and you can see my point.

A cousin posted this on Facebook the other day, and I automatically "liked" it. I  thought "I am kind of from the South-ish". But then I reread it, thinking about each point.

-Not only have I pulled over to let a procession past, but I have bowed my head and sent up wishes to the universe about the family of the life lost.
-While I have said "Fireflies" on occasion, I mostly call them lightnin bugs
- I love potatoes. Southern upbringing and Irish heritage means I could eat them everyday.
-I rarely wear shoes. Example: Walking along a cliff in England this past weekend, I took off my sandals and was consequently stared at by everyone else there. 
- I taught my Chinese students to say y'all. My British boyfriend also says it often now.
-While my usage of the word ain't dropped dramatically when I started teaching English, it is still a common word said for me outside of the classroom. 
- Love fried chicken.
-Love biscuits and gravy.
-Love sweet tea.
-Yup, buggies.
- I agree, you never disrespect your elders. The only amendment I would make to this sentence is that if there is someone who is acting like they are better than me, I will not show them the level of respect they think they deserve. But never disrespect.
-Sure, you talk to me, I'll talk to you. Places like park benches or lines in the cinema are just awkward if everyone sits there quietly. 
- Yes. Particularly the Jeep Wrangler wave.
- I love pearls. June baby.
- I can't wait to have a huge wrap-around porch on my first home.
-Ohhh boiled peanuts <3
- "Bless their heart" "I reckon" "Much obliged".. All sayings I picked up form my grandfather.

Now, I am not saying that every person in North Florida would consider themselves Southern. Just as there are people in other areas of Florida who would consider themselves southern (friend from the Miami area who loves shooting guns, another from the West coast who makes some yummy homemade fried chicken).

Just as there are people in the other Southern states who are not Southern. 

I was born overseas. I lived in Virginia for a few years, and Florida for the majority of my life thus far. I will move back to Florida when I am done with my travelling.

I love grits, SEC football, country music, picnicking on the beach, shooting guns, and my Jeep.

I am from Florida, and I am from the South.

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