Sunday, July 22, 2012

Another Day in London!

Spent Saturday in "Town"!

We only went for a few hours (slept in, didn't want to stay out late and spend a lot of money, yadda yadda) but it was quite enjoyable for the time we were there.

This time, we headed right into the business district to meet up with a couple of friends of ours. As it was Saturday afternoon, the area resembled a post-apocalyptic movie set, and we all commented on how fitting it would be if we rounded the corner to see a waiting zombie.

A street away, though, we found a bustling and interesting street market, the Old Spitalfields Market. Had a good time looking around, though we soon realized that all the clothing stalls had the exact same things at mostly the same price. We arrived right before closing time, but I have already planned to make a special journey into the city to check it out in more detail. (

We headed over to Brick Lane, which is already one of my favorite streets in the city. Partly because of a very festive looking Mexican restaurant I caught a glimpse of, but also for the number of quirky boutiques and eateries along the road. Again, an area I will be perusing with more attention when I have the time.

So, apologies for not having more information about the city. I have not had dinner yet, which means that any extra details I noticed the other day which I thought "Hey! Cool! I'll add this in my blog" has completely left my mind. 

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