Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Tuesday + Travel Blues...and a Wedding Update!

Hello all! 

I'm still over here in England, and it's fiiiinally getting warmer! Slowly, though, very slowly. Currently it is 46 degrees. Ok that is most definitely not warm, but when you compare it to the 32 degrees and snow of last week, it is a big improvement!

Originally I planned on heading to Paris this weekend, then flying back to Florida. Well, neither of those are happening. Partly good, partly bad.

The good part is that I will stay in the UK until the end of May- yay, more time with my fiance! Once I leave, it could be another six to TEN months before we see each other again! I gotta get my quality time in now! (If you are asking why so long, it's because that's how long it will take to process his green card. Obviously I hope to be coming back over here during that time, but financially, who knows).

The bad part is that I am going to have to miss visiting Paris. This makes me really sad, because it is something I have dreamed about for years. I mean it's Paris, come on! However, financially I cannot warrant the trip. I've got a green card and a wedding to save up for- and Paris is expensive! Hopefully, no zombie apocalypse will occur, and I will get to visit next year.

Anyway, for those of you wondering what is going on with our wedding, the answer is nothing. Sorry, I bet when you read the title you expected a date or something? Here is the deal: the date of our wedding depends on when Rob moves to the US, and on him and I getting jobs and settling in. We are expecting spring or early summer of next year, though it could be as late as fall (don't worry- before football season!!). Once I get back to the US, and his green card paperwork has been handed in, I will let y'all know more. Scouts honor. 

I can tell you one thing, however- it will be in or around the St. Augustine area. We are expecting a lot of out-of-town guests, and will be doing everything we can to find places for people to stay. For those out-of-towners, please contact me or Rob to start discussing options. I hope to have our wedding website and blog up in a week or so (if Rob will pick a website theme...), which will be used to share info with all our friends and family! (Sorry, random blog readers- I love y'all but don't think I can invite everyone!!)

Anyway, any questions, comment below!

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