Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Translation Tuesday!

So I've decided that once a week, I will have a post dedicated to translating between British English and American English. Also included in this will be cockney slang and any other languages I pick up during the week!

Week 1- Food!

Chips           -    Crisps
French Fries  -    Chips
Cookies        -    Biscuits
Biscuits        -   Don't have them.. closest comparison is a scone, but they are different.
Eggplant       -   Aubergine
Zucchini       -  Courgette
Jello           -   Jelly
Jelly          -   Jam

Strange Names of British Dishes:
Toad in the Hole
Bangers and Mash
Fry Up

So the teacher in me wants to make this blog interactive! I am not going to tell you what's in the dishes I have given you the names of, I want you (you lucky readers :-) to write the ingredients of 1 or all in the comments! Any good teacher doesn't give the answers, but inspires the students to find them themselves!

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