Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Olympic Torch in Hillingdon!

The famed flame made it's way through my little suburban town today!

A local newspaper writeup said "The Olympic torch's journey through Hillingdon went without a hitch, as thousands lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the historic flame." 
(Picture and quote from http://www.uxbridgegazette.co.uk/west-london-news/local-uxbridge-news/2012/07/24/perfect-day-as-hillingdon-goes-down-in-olympic-history-113046-31464609/)

And where was I, while Hillingdon history was being made?
Working. Stuck at my computer. Laboring away the day. Sigh.

Ok it's not that bad, really. Currently, my work day begins at 1pm. I spend the mornings lazying about, thinking of new meals to cook in my crock pot, and tanning (yay sunshine! I have to enjoy it while I can).

I am hoping to have some better pictures to share of the event soon, so check back later in the week for  new things!

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