Thursday, July 19, 2012

London Leading up to the Olympics

As the whole world is aware, one week from now the Summer Olympics will open in London. I had the privilege of attending the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996, but my age and the distance we lived from ATL meant I had no idea what went into the creation of the Games. It is interesting living on the outskirts of London right now. Every store is filled with Team Great Britain paraphernalia. Every other commercial is a company touting how they are making the Olympics better or more green. The streets are lined with pink and purple flags with the 2012 logo stamped on them.

I say it is interesting because the Brits are not overly proud people by nature. Sure, they watch the Queen's speech every year and enjoyed the Royal Wedding and root for the home team. But compared to us crazy Americans, whose pride drives us to do anything legally allowed with our flag (paint, tattoo, wear..), they are, well, normal. (In both countries defenses, it's not a bad thing to be excessively proud, but also not a bad thing not to be.) I've got to say, being surrounded by Union Jacks is making me feel a little jealous! And confused- so much red, white, and blue, but the wrong pattern!
Inside London, the already busy and bustling streets are currently showing an increase of younger travelers- backpackers finding their lodgings before the only options left are 5 star resorts in Wales. Venue label stickers have been added to the Underground maps throughout the city. The Picadilly Circus stop now sports a bright pink "Horse Guard Parade" addition. Like the manatee statues in Jacksonville, old style phone booths have been decorated and scattered about the city.
Thus far, I have only spent one day in London (yeah, yeah, I've been here two weeks and have a wonky work schedule, get off my back), so that's about all the knowledge I can share. I'll be heading into town next week though, so I can add more about the Olympic excitement then!

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