Tuesday, April 30, 2013

DIY Bride: Ring Box

I saw this link, and was inspired! 

How I see it, when you have a ring pillow, you have something that can only really be used once. You don't really use it as a throw pillow on the couch. I wanted something that was original and functional at the same time. 

So, I made a box! It will be used to carry the rings for both of our wedding ceremonies. Then, we will use it in our bathroom in our home, as a place to put our rings while showering or whatnot. Yep, it's all about the multi-functionality!

So here is what you need:
Box with two compartments (mine was a "tea box")
Wood stain
Paint pen
Cotten filler (I'm cheap, so I used cotton pads I had for removing nail polish)
Fabric for the top of the "pillows" (I used our respective flags!)

That is actually a dry erase marker standing in for the paint pen, shhh

His and Her compartments!
You don't need to get a massive bottle of stain like I did, this just so happened to be what they had at the pound store!

 Step 1: Stain the box. Don't worry about getting the stain on the metal clasps, that can be wiped off later with water.

Make sure you give the stain time to dry before you start on a second coat (if you decide you want to do one). My biggest problem when I am crafting is that I have no patience. This time, I made myself sit and enjoy the sunshine and a cup of coffee while it dried.

I chose two coats for mine, giving it a nice color, but not too dark. Consider your wedding color scheme before you stain- would light or dark brown match better?

Step 2: Fill the compartment with the cotton stuffing. For mine, I filled it about 3/4 of the way to the top. 

Step 3: Cover cotton filling with the fabric cover. This was the trickiest part of it all. You have to wrap the fabric around the cotton filler, making a pillow. 

Depending on how stiff your fabric is, your pillow might be more square or rounded. As you can compare in my final picture, the American flag was stiff fabric, and made a flat, rectangular pillow. The UK flag was not stiff, so the flag is more loose and rounded. Ideally, you will be using the same fabric for both sides, so they will look the same for you.

That's a good looking pillow right there ;-)

Step 4: Trace your writing lightly with a pencil. It will erase completely if you write lightly, but I can't make any promises if you press down hard.

Step 5: Write text with the paint pen. 

Don't worry too much if it bleeds. It'll take a few layers to get the paint coverage to look good. I went back and restained the areas where the bleeding was a problem- after it had completely dried.

Sigh, my heart is slightly wonky. Oh well, it'll have to do.

Step 6: Touch up paint and stain, and then enjoy your fabulous new box!
Pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself.


Questions? Comments? Leave me some love below!

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