Monday, September 24, 2012

Pinterest Craft Creation #5- Personalized Mugs

Today's craft was inspired by the need to find a massive mug for my coffee (6am starts= increased coffee intake). All the mugs I found were silly (I Heart Tea!) or ugly (no polka dot flowers in the morning for me, please). I found this idea on pinterest several months ago, and was super excited to find this plain, massive mug at the pound shop (like our dollar store). 
So the things you need for this craft are easy- mug, Sharpies, and an oven. 

I decided to do the handle orange and blue (Go Gators!) and quickly learned a valuable lesson. Don't try to do orange, blue, orange, blue... The light color picks up the dark and you end with a yucky brown. So, the best is do all the light, then all the dark.

 My beautiful handle :-) Sadly this is the part of the mug I am most proud of!

So I decided to write the words to We Are the Boys on the mug, in cursive. Cute idea, but a lot more difficult that I expected.

First issue was that the song is quite long, and I didn't judge before hand how big I should write or how I should do the spacing. Oops.

Second issue was that I did it very quickly, and could not hold the handle while I did it.. not my best penmanship.

 It isn't horrible, but I doubt anyone would pay me for it!

Next, time to bake. 30 minutes in the oven at 300 is what the plan said. My oven is a fan oven, so I did it for only 20 minutes- seems done!
 My finalized mug :-) Not perfect, but the perfect thing to get me going early in the morning!
Tips for the mug-
- Light colors first, then dark
- Plan what you are writing, and where, first! Not too many words, and take it slow!
- Decide early what you are going to do about the handle- write under, around, or stop?
- You only have a few seconds to wipe it off before it dries- so be careful!

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