Monday, July 23, 2012

Things I've Missed #1

Well, 2 weeks here! While I am so happy to be here, I do hate missing things back home.. look at me, trying to have cake and eat it too!

A few months ago, two sea turtles laid nests in front of our house. This past weekend, the turtle eggs hatched, and out came 70 little dudes!

Photos from my father, who was lucky enough to be around that night. Looks like the hatchlings had quite the audience as they headed to the water!

Other things I am missing? Family and friends, of course, but mainly my dogs. Dogs don't understand travelling, they just know that one minute you are there, and another you are not. I am desperate to have a pet here, but have to settle for plants. But as my friend Kellie said, "They don't come and greet you at the door"- plants are pretty to look at, but can't replace puppy snuggles!

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