Monday, July 30, 2012

Seaford, UK

 This past Saturday, my man and I took a mini road trip down to the coast of the Isle- Seaford to be exact.
It is a small, sleepy coastal town near Brighton (but a fourth of the size). Seaford is a great place to visit if you want the idillic small town with lots of antique and charity shops (we visited all of them, by the way), and which also seems to avoid most of the normal British weather.
A walk a long the beach provides an opportunity to visit cute litte snack bars frequented by the locals, or a chance to pop into the Seaford Museum (for the low fee of £1.50)
If you liked the White Cliffs of Dover, you should check out the Seven Sisters- equally beautiful white cliffs, much less touristy.
Walking along the rocks (as above) gives a great opportunity for searching for crabs and other forms of sea life, all while attempting not to slip of the seaweed covered paths.
All in all, the visit was not as exciting as a day in London, but it was a nice break from the norm. While I wouldn't suggest forgoing the big tourist towns in the country just to see this little village, it is definitely a great place to visit, and I look forward to my chance to go again!

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