Friday, July 27, 2012

London 2012 Olympics! Opening Ceremony Antics

Theyyyy'reeee Heerrreeee!

Tonight kicks of the 2012 Olympic games!
Ok, I am aware that you already know this (hopefully). I am not telling you to inform, but to share my excitement.

I am so excited to be but 30 minutes from tonight's Opening Ceremonies, but so sad that I am not there! Obviously, this is one of those times where the tickets went instantly. T.V. viewing it is for me, alas.

Tonight's Specialty from me? Quotes from real Brits while watching the ceremonies!

"They have some really top animals here. Look how shiny those sheep are"
"There is no need for topless men" (as the miners come out from under the tree)
"They are just ripping up the grass!"
"This looks like a casting for Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter"
"Hey Macarena" (dancing Abrahams)
"I don't really get it" (about... all of it)
"That's quite deep where that comes from" (about the chimneys coming up)
"I'm waiting for a big motorbike to jump through the air"
"I want Lasers!" "I want Star Wars!" (yes, I am watching with two nerds)
"It's the Queen!!"
"If this was a movie, I'd watch it! This is good" (As the Queen gets into a helicopter)
"Oh, they are doing the second verse!" "Do you know it?"(me) "Nope!" (during the national anthem)
"They can't sing anymore, they will piss off the Scottish" (again, national anthem)
"They have trampolines for beds!" (During the NHS kids act)
"Thanks, Mary!" (after the monster were gone)

The parade of the countries evolved into a competition of uniforms and team sizes. Classic comments are "Wow, he's big" or "She doesn't look like a wrestler" or "He is about to hit a person with that flag!". Pretty much, the same conversation I am sure you will be having with anyone you are watching the ceremony with.

Except when the French came in. That brought about several comments that are inappropriate to share, seeing as the Brits still are not on friendly terms with them. Some of the French team were carrying UK flags.. I said, "Oh look, they are showing their support and attempting to bridge the gap between you too!". Nope. They are carrying the flag to "to humour us" or "to make fun of us". Sigh.

Anyway, back to the ceremony. For those who missed out on the fashion associated with the ceremony, some countries were lucky enough to have their outfits designed by famous designers, here are the ones I remember:
Jamaica- Bob Marley's Daughter (cool to me!)
Great Britain- Stella McCartney
Italy- Georgio Armani (super jealous)
US- Ralph Lauren

An hour and a half later, they are still marching out.. We have reached the S's..Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Africa... Yadda yadda. I say this, not meaning to demean any country (far from it- I am very patriotic, and support all people's pride in their countries), but because my silly country decided to start their official name with a "U". Heaven forbid we just go by "America" and be one of the first countries out.. no no no.. USA, save the best for last! Great in theory, except when you are tired and writing a very extensive blog about the ceremony, which will end shortly after said country comes out.

Annnd the moment we are all waiting for! Team USAAAA! 500 athletes-- ohhh yeah!

Ok. Moment passed. Now just looking forward to the performance of Sir Paul, so I can go to sleep. I hope my Opening Ceremony special makes your experience of the event that much better. And if it doesn't, see below for a very nice drinking game that is sure to add to any viewing. :-)

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